Imagine touring a barn without infringing on biosecurity concerns. Now, imagine touring the barn from the comfort of your favorite chair, with your favorite snack and beverage at the ready. Too good to be true? Think again!
Souris River Colony Hog Barn addition is available for your touring pleasure on any device with access to the internet, at any time of day. The self-guided tour features information points throughout the barn for you to dive deeper into each piece of equipment, complete with model numbers, sizes, design aspects, photos and videos.
Upon entering the barn via the link below, use your mouseor finger to drag your view of the barn around you. Click on a location in the barn to ‘jump’ to that spot, exploring the layout and equipment there. Whenever you see a blue target, click on it to view details.
if you’ve got a VR headsite lying around, you can take the tour in first person! Just jump into VR mode in the viewer.
!!! Click Here To Start Your Tour !!!
Article first seen in the Modern Producer Magazine – Issue 9.